Město Nová Role

Introduction of Nová Role

Nová Role (Czech Republic) is situated in the foothills of the Krušné hory mountains near the regional town – world-known Karlovy Vary spa.

The municipality’s name has probably originated from the Old Slavic word “rola” – agriculturally cultivated land, as the first permanent settlers of this area were people from the Slavic tribe of Sedlčané. Nová Role is the seventh oldest settlement of the Karlovy Vary Region. The first written record about Nová Role (Nowa Raluna) dates back to 1293. According to unsubstantiated legend, as early as in the 12th century, there used to be a hunting pavilion for royal personnel accompanying Czech monarchs, who stayed at the Loket castle, situated on the riverbank in Nová Role.

The oldest historic sight of the town is the Church of St. Archangel Michael. This church represents a valuable Romanic-Gothic monument dating back to the era of King Přemysl Otakar I and King Wenceslas I. The church accommodates ruins of the original chapel from 1240-1255. On the initiative of the local people, the church was reconstructed in 1989 and at present it hosts regular services and religious ceremonies. Currently, the church is actually one of the oldest still functional cultural monuments within the Karlovy Vary district.

Nová Role has had town status since 1964. The town has its own coat of arms and flag with the main symbol being a porcelain teapot representing porcelain manufacturing.

At present, Nová Role’s population is 4,040 comprising the districts of Nová Role, Mezirolí a Jimlíkov.

The population has increased within the past few years thanks to the completion of new apartment buildings in Nová Role and also detached houses both in Nová Role and in Mezirolí. The construction of new apartment buildings and detached houses continues. A construction of detached houses in Jimlíkov is planned as well. The majority of apartments in the panel buildings in Nová Role has been transferred to private ownership of the citizens.

The town manages a home with domiciliary services, where preferential apartments are assigned to the citizens of Nová Role already taking advantage of domiciliary services.

Nová Role is a member of the Association of Municipalities Krušné hory – west.

Nová Role is known primarily for its porcelain manufacturing in  Thun 1794 company. In 2001, the Nová Role porcelain factory celebrated its 80th anniversary.

The town also hosts production of smithcraft and within the past 15 years a number of medium-sized and small businesses have been established, such as construction, repair and service companies, store owners, jeweller’s, hairdresser’s, consulting services, graphic arts and small farmers. Several pubs offer refreshments in Nová Role, Mezirolí and Jimlíkov.

Nová Role is traversed by tourist routes and cycling paths, which continue to German Saxony.